Aquarius, Aries, Astrology, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Numerology, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo

Cancer New Moon

Naked Numerology Newsletter: Written In The Stars

July 20, 2020 * Star Report *Volume 2

Cancer New Moon July 2020

Happy New Moon! Connect to your heart and trust the timing in your life. A New Moon brings a fresh start. Be ready for the opportunities coming your way. This is a time of planting potent seeds of intention. The effects last up to SIX MONTHS! Be ready to receive.

The second New Moon in Water sign Cancer is a rare double New Moon. Cancer (privacy-oriented) is ruled by the Moon and is a Cardinal sign, so it is good at beginning things. Focus on family connections as Cancer rules the fourth house of home and family.

The second New Moon in sensitive, nurturing Cancer of 2020 arrives on July 20. This is the first New Moon in Cancer that has not been an eclipse since 2017. It packs a punch with a tight opposition to Saturn. A New Moon opens a path. Stay positive. Set intentions.

Both the June and the July New Moons are in sensitive Cancer since in June it was at 0° and on July 20, the Moon will be at 28°. This does not happen very often but when it does, it is a chance for a do-over of whatever you missed the first time around. Trust your instincts.

Cancer is a feminine, Moon ruled Cardinal water sign, and rules the 4th house of home and family. Those born under the sign of cozy, compassionate Cancer are private, internal, empathic, nurturing, loving, kind, have excellent memories, nostalgic, sentimental and seek intimacy.

A New Moon arrives in protective Cancer, the sign of the mother, with love, nurturing and kindness. Cancer is the Crab and hides under the shell to avoid conflict by burying its head in the sand, to avoid dealing with it. Start fresh and move forward with joy. Stay positive.

  • A manifestation code of 20.20.20 merges with the Sun + Moon at 28° in protective Cancer.
  • This is the 2nd New Moon in Cancer. The last one, an eclipse was at 0° on June 21.
  • Neptune and Jupiter are in divine aspect, bringing harmony, good fortune + growth.

How your sign is affected Cancer New Moon: Aries: Home + Family Taurus: Communication Gemini: Money Cancer: Image Leo: Behind the scenes Virgo: Friends + Groups Libra: Career + Status Scorpio: Higher learning Sagittarius: Money Capricorn: Partnerships Aquarius: Job + Health Pisces: Pleasure

The Cancer New Moon Horoscope: A Chance for a Do-Over!

Aries: Take a step back to boost harmony at home with family around the New Moon on the 20th. Pay more attention to your emotional health. Take time to nurture and go easy on yourself. Avoid domestic conflicts. Life wants to take you in a new direction. Time to improve + grow.

Taurus: Think about how you are handling errands around the New Moon on the 20th. It is easier to try a more organized approach now. Draw on patience and restraint in communications for best results. What you have to say is important now. This is an opportunity for a do-over.

Gemini: At the New Moon on the 20th, take the first steps to establish a financial plan. Be sure to listen to your heart along the way. Reinvest in soul worth. You will be in a better position now going forward to take charge of your earnings, spending and possessions. Manifest.

Cancer: Set your most important personal intentions for the next twelve months around the New Moon in your sign. Putting in the work expedites results. Make changes in any new ideas and ventures you embark on now. Light up! Take action + launch yourself.

Leo: Carve out more alone time relaxing, renewing and recharging around the New Moon on the 20th. Meditating on your deepest needs may inform your next professional move. You may feel more confident + energized soon. Focus and you will attract. This will boost your motivation level.

Virgo: Join forces with friends on a group effort around the New Moon on the 20th and you will do well. The experience prompts a sense of a new beginning. Get a fresh perspective, as it will do wonders for you. Doors to opportunities open with the key to your future. Manifest.

Libra: Around the New Moon on the 20th, reflect on a work-related move you would like to make. Taking it one step at a time can help you achieve it. Do not be afraid to do your own thing. Push forward and go for it. A new direction with a sense of purpose arrives. Leverage what you have achieved.

Scorpio: Around the New Moon on the 20th, it is time to take steps to advance your skill set. Make your move — you will love soaking up new knowledge. It is a good time to explore new topics and creative self-expression with a sense of adventure. Strike out in a bold direction.

Sagittarius: Pursue goals with optimism and your spirit of adventure around the New Moon on the 20th. A pathway opens towards new solutions for shared wealth. Intimate matters and finances are in focus. Move away from restrictions. Attract the resources you need. Manifest.

Capricorn: Set a new tone initiating fresh starts with a partner around the New Moon on the 20th. Talking through your differences, paves the way for harmony. Make something happen by taking on a new attitude. Set some new intentions around relationships. Seek more balance.

Aquarius: Shift your work-life balance around the New Moon on the 20th. Creative changes to your schedule boosts results. Solutions are possible now. Move away from energy drains and towards wellness. Take stock of your daily life + health matters.

Pisces: Establishing a new wellness routine around the New Moon on the 20th will keep you motivated. This can be a time of a turning point with creative pursuits, self-expression, love and children. You have many avenues to explore. Keep your heart open.

With the New Moon-Sun in nurturing Cancer (empathic) opposite stern Saturn in Capricorn (business), both are Cardinal signs, the initiators of the zodiac. Oppositions bring tension and can limit action, magnifying what is limiting you from expressing yourself fully.

This Cancer New Moon has a Sun-Saturn opposition. When in opposition, Saturn is at its biggest and brightest, in retrograde now + closest to Earth. This also brings Saturn’s challenges, obstacles and tests closer. This is a time to be patient.

The New Moon (emotions) and Sun (ego) in sentimental Cancer is opposite Jupiter, Pluto and stern Saturn in serious Capricorn. Oppositions involve your relationships. Use this energy as an opportunity for growth and change. Welcome new beginnings with great trust.

The Moon in nurturing Cancer forms a trine to mystical Neptune (fantasy, dreams and spirituality). Neptune can add the magic— expanding your psychic awareness, compassion and beautiful internal illumination. Music, dance and song are all in vogue.

If you are a Cardinal Sign, (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn)—buckle up. Get ready for some major New Moon frustration.

New Moons are times for New Beginnings— time to plant new “seeds” for personal and spiritual growth— the beginning of new cycles in our lives. This New Moon in Cancer is ruled by Moon mandating that these new beginnings will be strongly tied to our emotions.

Affirm: I choose to be patient. I choose to trust the process. Everything I have visualized, intended and worked on is in the process of manifesting. I will remain centered and at peace. I will be strong and continue to believe. It is all about to happen for me.

》DAY TO WATCH 》 JULY 22, 2020: 7+22+2+0+2+0 = 33 》 A DOUBLE MASTER DAY in Numerology is very powerful and rare on a 33 day. Greater blessings are on the way on this amazing Master Builder 22nd day combined with the influence of the 33. Manifest your dreams!

Assertive Mars in Aries will square the Lunar Eclipse point at 13° Capricorn on July 22. Watch this day as a turning point in your life and the news in the world. This will be a very busy time. Take advantage of the opportunities coming your way. The best is yet to come!

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Cosmic Luv,

Elite Numerologist Astrologer
Naked Numerology

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